- function is_really_writable($file){
- // If we're on a Unix server with safe_mode off we call is_writable
- if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR=='/' AND @ini_get("safe_mode")==FALSE)
- {
- returnis_writable($file);
- }
- // For windows servers and safe_mode "on" installations we'll actually
- // write a file then read it. Bah...
- if(is_dir($file))
- {
- $file=rtrim($file,'/').'/'.md5(rand(1,100));
- if(($fp=@fopen($file, FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE))===FALSE)
- {
- returnFALSE;
- }
- fclose($fp);
- @chmod($file, DIR_WRITE_MODE);
- @unlink($file);
- returnTRUE;
- }
- elseif(($fp=@fopen($file, FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE))===FALSE)
- {
- returnFALSE;
- }
- fclose($fp);
- returnTRUE;
How to check if file is writable in PHP?